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  1. Ethical Science News

  2. Aug 1, 2014

Stem Cells from Patients with Lou Gehrig's Disease Provide Novel Insights into Disease Mechanisms

According to a new report in Cell Stem Cell, researchers recently discovered new mechanisms behind nerve cell dysfunction in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Using stem cells from ALS patients, researchers discovered how certain genetic mutations interfere with the ability of motor neurons to function normally, an effect never observed in mouse models of ALS. This in vitro model will allow scientists to further study the mechanisms underlying ALS as it occurs in humans.


  1. Kiskinis E, Sandoe J, Williams LA, et al. Pathways disrupted in human ALS motor neurons identified through genetic correction of mutant SOD1. Cell Stem Cell. 2014;14:781-795.

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