4 Ways to Beat Breast Cancer, 1 Heartwarming Story | Dr. Kristi Funk & Karen and Darrell Crisp

Learn what you need to know to help protect yourself from breast cancer.
Dr. Kristi Funk, world-renowned breast cancer surgeon, shares four steps every woman should be taking to help shield themselves. Much of the discussion focuses on food, including research on the foods that have the most cancer-fighting ability.
You will also hear from Dr. Darrell Crisp who already lost his first wife to breast cancer when the hideous disease came calling for a second time.
After finding love again, his new wife, Karen, was also diagnosed with breast cancer. But together they vowed this story would have a different ending.
They had been studying lifestyle medicine after Dr. Crisp was able to overcome his own health struggles. What they learned made all the difference in Karen’s fight.
The Crisps join “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll on The Exam Room Podcast to share their uncanny story which they’ve chronicled in their book Banish Breast Cancer.
This is the third and final episode with Dr. Funk for the Let’s Beat Breast Cancer series in 2022.