5 Steps for Meat Lovers to Go Vegan | Steph McBurnett, RDN

Did you know the average American eats nearly 300 pounds of meat every year, according to some estimates? That can make the idea of going on a vegan diet seem impossible. But it's not!
Dietitian Stephanie McBurnett joins "The Weight Loss Champion" Chuck Carroll on The Exam Room Podcast to share her easy five-step process for even the biggest burger fans to transition to a plant-based diet. Her tips will walk you through eating at home, at restaurants, and parties without feeling alone in your own meatless world.
If you love meat and think you could never live without it, this show is for you.
Stephanie's 5 Tips to Quit Meat
- The Easy Drop
- The Crowd Out
- The Fade Away
- The Replacements
- Done and Dusted
Chuck also shares a delicious chickpea burger recipe!