Big Beef Website Fact Checking With Dr. Neal Barnard and Lee Crosby, RD, LD

Fact check nutrition claims on the official beef website with Dr. Neal Barnard and dietitian Lee Crosby as they join “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll on The Exam Room™!
The website claims that beef can be part of a heart-healthy diet. What evidence is there to support the claim? What does independent research show?
The website also claims that beef is an essential food for babies. Do they need it to grow up big and strong or is red meat laying the foundation for heart disease later in life? Dr. Barnard and Lee have a mountain of research all leading to an undeniable conclusion.
Additionally, the website states that eating beef can improve cholesterol levels. How could such a claim be made when there is decades of independent research pointing in the opposite direction? The group dissects those statements to see whether they hold any merit!
And of course protein, protein, protein!