Clean Food Dirty Girl: Unusual Health Journey | Molly Patrick

Molly Patrick is a self-described dirty girl who loves to eat clean.
Her path to healthy living is unique to say the least, but it has also helped her transform thousands of others into the healthy bodies they've always desired.
Molly grew up living off the land. Her parents fashioned their home out of mud, straw, and rocks. They did not have electricity, hot water, or indoor plumbing. It was truly an 18th century way of life in modern times.
Interestingly, Molly has never eaten meat. Her passion for healthy eating was developed early. Yet, she still struggled with health in other areas. She has overcome addictions to cigarettes and has been sober since 2015.
This is certainly one of the most unique stories ever told on The Exam Room Podcast.
"The Weight Loss Champion" Chuck Carroll sits down with the Clean Food Dirty Girl, Molly Patrick, for an unforgettable tale of health on The Exam Room.