Doctor’s Mailbag: Dr. Barnard's Favorite Veggie Burger, Kimchi, and Weight Loss

Dr. Neal Barnard reveals his favorite veggie burger recipe, Dr. Jim Loomis examines an interesting study on the sodium found in kimchi, and much more on a new episode of The Exam Room podcast!
Plus, Dr. Barnard weighs in on the McPlant veggie burger from McDonald’s when “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll opens up The Doctor’s Mailbag!
Among the other questions answered:
- How much do macronutrients matter for weight loss?
- How can you improve low iron levels on a plant-based diet?
- Can just a little junk food cause high blood pressure?
- Can other foods replace leafy greens in a picky child’s diet?
- What are the best foods for post-menopausal women?
- How can you break an addiction to cheese?
- And many more!
This episode of The Exam Room™ Podcast is sponsored by vegan author and plant-powered realtor Ellen Jaffe Jones who is helping Floridians navigate through the state’s unique and animal-friendly challenges in real estate.
Dr. Barnard’s Favorite Veggie Burger Recipe
- 3 cups water
- 1 cup lentils
- 1/2 cup brown rice
Simmer for 40 minutes, then add:
- 1/2 onion, chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, crushed
- 1 tablespoon soy sauce
If you have a question you’d like to ask the doctors, tweet it to @ChuckCarrollWLC using #ExamRoomLive.