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  1. Exam Room Podcast

  2. Jan 27, 2022

Foods That Fight Aging, Wrinkles, and Acne | Dermatologist Dr. Niyati Sharma on The Exam Room Live

Foods That Fight Aging, Wrinkles, and Acne

Food may fight aging as much as any cosmetic procedure. From wrinkles to blemishes, discover the foods that will keep you looking and feeling your best well into your golden years.

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Dermatologist Niyati Sharma joins “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll on The Exam Room Live with her top tips for a youthful diet.

Questions answered from The Doctor’s Mailbag during the live Q&A:

  • What are the benefits of vitamin C with skin care?
  • What foods prevent acne?
  • What can you eat to look less tired?
  • Can alcohol make you likely to get a sunburn?
  • And many more!

Dr. Sharma is the founder of Australia’s first plant-based clinic, Inside Out Dermatology.

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