How To Lower Your Risk of Colon Cancer With Food

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer, and it’s also one of the most preventable.
On this episode of The Exam Room™ podcast, you will learn how and why diet and lifestyle can play such an enormous role in determining whether or not you develop colon cancer. As Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month begins, “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll is joined by Newport Beach, Calif.-based gastroenterologist Angie Sadeghi, MD, who says we will shed far fewer tears when we stop eating the SAD—Standard American Diet. She also shares why poor diets are leading to an increased number of cases among younger adults.
Dr. Sadeghi and Chuck also compare the small number of cases related to genetics to the overwhelming majority that are driven by diet and lifestyle.
One of the keys to lowering the risk of colon cancer is to load up on fiber. So, Lee Crosby, RD, LD, joins the show to share her list of high-fiber foods that everyone should be eating to help stay healthy!
Lee then shares the news that her mom, who lost 100 pounds after adopting a plant-based diet, is now teaching Food for Life classes in the Washington, D.C., area. Registration is now open!
Find a Food for Life class near you.