Huh? Fat From Milk Doesn't Count?! | Dr. Yami and Andrew Binovi

Fat in milk does not count. That’s great news for dairy lovers!
Unfortunately, it’s simply not true and the science just doesn’t add up. Yet, that is the premise of legislation that would return whole-fat milk with 5 grams of saturated fat per serving, representing a quarter of an entire day’s limit, to school lunches across the United States.
While the fat from the pizza, hamburgers, french fries, and other food on cafeteria trays is totaled up, the largest source of saturated fat is being totally disregarded. Why is that?
Double-board-certified pediatrician Dr. Yami and Andrew Binovi, director of government affairs for the Physicians Committee, join “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll to discuss the bill and why fat in milk is being ignored.
The nutrition numbers don’t add up, but the rates of childhood diseases are mounting.