The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health

“The healing power of the body is something you don’t want to not take advantage of. Put it to work. Whatever other treatments you need, don't neglect that one.” –Neal Barnard, MD
Dr. Barnard is absolutely right! The best way that we can take care of our bodies is to put good, clean fuel in the engine. And the best fuel that we have available is healthy food.
On this episode of The Exam Room™ podcast, “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll is joined by Dr. Barnard live at a sold-out event in Washington, D.C., to talk about the new science of food, hormones, and health. This is the finale of the powerful Your Body in Balance series.
Join Chuck and Dr. Barnard for a deeper look at how the body can sometimes repair itself and the hormonal connection between diet and conditions such as acne, diabetes, endometriosis, hot flashes that accompany menopause, and many others.
Plus, Dr. Barnard answers questions from the crowd!