Overweight and Healthy? Examining the “Healthy at Every Size” Movement

Can a person be both healthy and overweight? “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll is joined by Dr. Yami Cazorla-Lancaster to discuss the Healthy at Every Size movement.
The concept weighs whether too much emphasis is put on a person’s weight and too little on the overall picture. As a person who lost 280 pounds, Chuck shares his opinion about that theory and how it may be perceived by those still struggling with their weight.
Dr. Yami, author of A Parent's Guide to Intuitive Eating, also addresses the misconception that children can eat whatever they want without penalty. She explains the steep price that can be paid later in life for the high-fat and high-calorie foods eaten during our formative years. The seeds for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses are planted early in life, even if they don’t blossom until adulthood.