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  1. Exam Room Podcast

  2. Oct 8, 2024

PCOS: Beauty Queen's Diet Made Symptoms Vanish | Holly Plank

PCOS: Beauty Queen's Diet Made Symptoms Vanish | Holly Plank

A beauty queen eliminated her symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) by changing her diet.

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Holly Plank is one of the millions of women who suffer from PCOS. She tried many treatments, but it wasn't until she became focused on her diet that she was able to conquer them.

The same changes also helped Holly eradicate the symptoms of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).

Holly shares the diet changes she made with "The Weight Loss Champion" Chuck Carroll on this episode of The Exam Room Podcast.

Now she is using her story of healing to help and inspire others as Mrs. Maryland. In addition to her work with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Holly is also the founder of the Half Plate Challenge. The program encourages everyone to fill at least half of their plate with fruits and vegetables as a great first step toward living a healthier life.

On This Episode

  • Diet and PCOS
  • Food and hormone regulation
  • Keeping symptoms in check long-term
  • The effect of cheat days on PCOS and PMDD
  • And more

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