Pizza Addict Loses Over 70 Pounds by Going Vegan | Michelle Oberg

A serious addiction was sending Michelle Oberg to an early grave. But it wasn’t an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Even though she was substantially overweight, she just could not stop eating pizza.
It may seem puzzling to mention pizza in the same breath as cocaine or whiskey, but for Michelle the addiction had it hooks in as deep as any that would traditionally send a person to rehab.
The result of her out of control eating was a heinously inflamed body that was struggling to function. Her triglycerides and c-peptide levels were incomprehensibly high. Meanwhile, migraine headaches had become all too common along with painful gout flareups. At the same time her weight was spiraling out of control.
Despite growing sicker and heavier every day she still couldn’t say no to pizza.
Then she finally hit rock bottom and began to climb out of a dark hole and began breaking the chains of addiction and shedding the pounds that had been holding her back.
In an extraordinary story of what is possible, Michelle shares her journey of resilience with fellow food addict Chuck Carroll on The Exam Room Podcast. She found strength and success after she began to eat a plant-based diet. And today she is thriving. Her goal is to inspire others struggling with demons to dig deep and make the change as well.
Key points discussed include:
Personal journey: Michelle recounts her history with food addiction and how it intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic. She discusses her initial struggles with giving up pizza and the support she found in an online group for food addiction.
Transition to a vegan diet: As she worked on her food addiction, Michelle began to explore veganism and whole food plant-based diets. She describes how she replaced pizza with healthier options like chickpea curry and salads.
Compassion and self-love: Michelle reflects on how she finds it easier to have compassion for others than for herself, and how this realization has been part of her healing journey.
Motivations: Michelle shares her family history of health issues, including heart disease and Alzheimer's, which motivates her to continue making healthier choices. She wants to break the cycle of diseases in her family.
Ongoing journey: Michelle acknowledges that she still has about 30 pounds to lose and emphasizes the importance of making informed dietary choices. She discusses her favorite foods and healthy habits that she has adopted, such as preparing a specific salad dressing regularly.
Join Chuck and Dr. Will Bulsiewicz at Dr. Barnard’s Bon Voyage Bash in Miami on March 7!