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  1. Exam Room Podcast

  2. Aug 6, 2024

Pizza and Burgers Can Fight Heart Disease … Really! | Rip Esselstyn

Pizza and Burgers Can Fight Heart Disease … Really! | Rip Esselstyn

The leading cause of death in the United States is heart disease. But it's still viewed as manly and macho to eat foods that can send you to an early grave.

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It just doesn't make sense. But a former firefighter and high-level athlete is creating healthy hamburgers, pizza, and other "macho eats" to ensure no man card gets left behind while their risk of having a heart attack drops significantly.

PlantStrong founder Rip Esselstyn joins "The Weight Loss Champion" Chuck Carroll to talk about his solutions for lowering the risk of heart disease.

On This Episode

  • Hamburgers for health
  • Pizza for clean arteries
  • Healthy man card meals
  • PlantStrong foods
  • Natural flavors and gut disrupters
  • And more

Chuck is also joined by chef Dustin Harder for an inside look at the new cooking competition heating up one of the premier nutrition conferences of the year!

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