Reversing Crohn’s Disease With a Plant-Based Diet

Could eating a vegan diet be the key to treating Crohn’s disease? Quite possibly.
On this episode of The Exam Room™ podcast, “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll is joined by Hana Kahleova, MD, PhD, who shares a case study of a medical school student who was able to put his Crohn’s disease into remission by adopting a plant-based diet. Even with traditional medical treatments, the student had been struggling until he made dietary adjustments.
Dr. Kahleova and Chuck explore why his case may not be an anomaly and the nutrition science of why eliminating meat and dairy from the diet may help millions of others worldwide living with Crohn’s.
Chuck is also joined by entrepreneur Gregg Rozeboom who was inspired to open a chain of plant-based restaurants that were both healthy and eco-friendly. Gregg simply wanted there to be a place where he could feel good about the food that was being served. Thus, Fruitive was born.
Gregg’s journey to open Fruitive and adopt a plant-based diet is also part of his own health journey. He suffered from frequent and intense migraine headaches. At the suggestion of his wife, he began logging a food journal. As it turns out, Gregg discovered that the fast food and processed food he had been eating was also triggering these crippling episodes. Without that food in his diet, the migraines have subsided greatly!
Fruitive has five locations in three cities, including Washington, D.C., Virginia Beach, and Norfolk, Va.