Thanksgiving Classics Made Vegan | Audrey Dunham and Dustin Harder

Whether this is your first vegan Thanksgiving or you’ve been keeping it turkey-free for years, we can all use a little inspiration in the kitchen!
Serving up some great ideas are two amazing cookbook authors who can turn any classic dish into a modern vegan masterpiece. Audrey Dunham and “The Vegan Roadie” Dustin Harder join “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll for some great last-minute ideas that will please anyone at your table.
Audrey brings a plateful of recipes from her new book, Vegan Thanksgiving Dinner and Pies, including a delectable mushroom Wellington!
Then, Chuck and Dustin, author of Epic Vegan Quick and Easy, go down the list of favorite side dishes in all 50 states and debate how simple it would be to make them vegan!
You can also download the plant-based Thanksgiving recipe e-book that Dustin mentions.