Top Turkey Alternatives For Vegan Thanksgiving

These are some of the best options for replacing turkey at Thanksgiving!
This episode of The Exam Room™ Podcast is sponsored by The Gregory J. Reiter Memorial Fund, which supports organizations like the Physicians Committee that carry on Greg’s passion and love for animals through rescue efforts, veganism, and wildlife conservation.
Dietitians Lee Crosby and Maggie Neola join “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll with 10 tasty ideas that will please both longtime vegans and lifelong turkey lovers! What makes this year’s menu truly extraordinary is Lee’s plant-based Turducken recipe: Vegducken!
The mouthwatering menu will get you ready to celebrate the healthiest Thanksgiving ever.
Plus, Maggie has tips for scaling back Thanksgiving recipes as many of us will be celebrating at home this year due to the pandemic.
Also, Dr. Neal Barnard takes a close look at a study that finds vegans and vegetarians are at a higher risk for bone fractures than people who eat meat. He explores why the research showed what it did and what is being overlooked. Dr. Barnard’s conclusions might surprise you!
This episode of The Exam Room™ Podcast is sponsored by The Gregory J. Reiter Memorial Fund, which supports organizations like the Physicians Committee that carry on Greg’s passion and love for animals through rescue efforts, veganism, and wildlife conservation.