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  1. Exam Room Podcast

  2. Nov 26, 2019

Vegan Thanksgiving for Non-Vegans

Vegan Thanksgiving for Non-Vegans

This is how you have a vegan Thanksgiving for non-vegans!

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To prove that a big plant-based meal can satisfy even meat eaters, “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll enjoys a feast with Super-Bowl-winning running back Ricky Ervins and longtime sports writer Rick Snider.

They broke bread together just down the road from the headquarters of Washington’s NFL team and oh, what a feast they had! The master chefs at GreenFare Organic Café and Restaurant whipped up all the classics: mashed potatoes, mushroom gravy, stuffing, vegan macaroni and cheese, brightly colored salad, sweet potato pumpkin bars — literally everything but the turkey!

For Rick and Ricky, it was a flavorful touchdown that they may pay forward with their families at their own tables this year!

Chuck also delves into the science of a plant-based Thanksgiving with Susan Levin, MS, RD. How does the body react differently to a big meatless meal compared to one with meat? How might a vegan meal help keep you in a better mood and prevent little dustups over dinner? And are you less likely to slip into a food coma after you eat a vegan Thanksgiving dinner? Susan has the answers!

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