What If Food Was Prescribed Before Pills? | Dr. Monica Aggarwal on The Exam Room Podcast

One out of four people will die from heart disease in the U.S. But what would happen if they were referred to a nutritionist instead of just being given a pill prescription? Cardiologists think countless lives could be saved. More than half of doctors believe a healthy diet is as good or better than any medication they could prescribe.
Dr. Monica Aggarwal has researched the effect that a healthier diet can have on preventing and reversing heart disease. She joins “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll to discuss her findings and how many lives could be saved with a food-first approach.
As it stands now, cardiologists send fewer than one in 10 patients to a nutritionist.
Dr. Aggarwal is the co-author of Body On Fire and the Body On Fire Anti-Inflammatory Cookbook.