Victory! No Public Money for Primate Lab!

We learned last week that a notorious animal experimentation facility was trying to get $11 million in taxpayer money from the city of San Antonio. We immediately jumped in to stop it. Because of our efforts and those of groups and individuals working on the ground, this effort has succeeded!
The Texas Biomedical Research Institute, which is home to the Southwest National Primate Research Center, was asking San Antonio to issue an $11 million municipal bond to support its cruel work. The facility holds more than 2,700 monkeys and has a deplorable track record of animal abuse.
Last week, a local physician member hand-delivered a letter to the members of the Facilities Community Bond Committee. Our supporters in San Antonio sent public comments to the committee and took to Twitter to call out the mayor and city council members. And we coordinated with other organizations and local advocates.
Then, tonight, during the meeting in which the Bond Committee was going to vote on the proposal, the San Antonio city manager stepped to the podium to announce that Texas Biomed had withdrawn its request for public funding!
But we still have to remain vigilant. Texas Biomed plans to “work with city staff to explore other options.” We will stay on top of the situation and let you know how you can help.