Erectile Dysfunction May Be First Sign of Heart Trouble

Men with early stages of heart disease are more likely to complain of erectile dysfunction, according to research presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions this week. Researchers at Johns Hopkins examined 1,862 men and found those with early but asymptomatic signs of heart disease were later more likely to report erectile dysfunction, compared with men who had no early signs of heart disease. In the absence of knowing heart-related lab results, erectile dysfunction may be the first indicator for most men of pre-existing heart damage. Healthful changes in diet and lifestyle can reduce the risk for both conditions.
- Feldman DI, Bilups KL, DeFilippis AP, et al. The association of subclinical vascular disease and erectile dysfunction at 9-year assessment: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). Research presented at: American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2014; November 18, 2014: Chicago, Ill.