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  1. Health and Nutrition News

  2. Mar 9, 2017

Fewer Americans Trying to Lose Weight

The number of people attempting to reach a healthy weight decreased in recent years, according to data published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Researchers reviewed survey responses over three timeframes from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) to assess those who were overweight or obese and trying to lose weight. Responses showed increased obesity rates while weight loss attempts declined, with a disproportionate prevalence among African-American women. The authors attribute this to an absence of acknowledgement by clinicians or to misconceptions of weight issues among the public.


  1. Snook KR, Hansen AR, Duke CH. Change in percentages of adults with overweight or obesity trying to lose weight, 1988-2014. JAMA. 2017;317:971-973.

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