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  1. Health and Nutrition News

  2. Aug 28, 2008

Nuts, Corn, and Popcorn Do Not Cause Diverticular Disease

posted 8/28/08

A report in the Journal of the American Medical Association concluded that nuts, corn, and popcorn, which some have suggested might exacerbate diverticular disease, are not associated with diverticulitis or diverticular complications. Researchers at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle analyzed the dietary intake among 47,228 men over 18 years and found that nuts and popcorn were actually protective against diverticulitis. Authors concluded that recommendations to avoid these high-fiber, healthful foods should be reconsidered.


  1. Strate LL, Liu YL, Syngal S et al. Nut, corn, and popcorn consumption and the incidence of diverticular disease. JAMA. 2008;300(8):907-914.

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