Plant-Based Diets Decrease Risk of Death From Prostate Cancer

Men who consume the most plant-based foods decrease their risk of dying from prostate cancer by 19%, according to an abstract published in The Journal of Urology. Researchers compared plant-based diet intake and prostate cancer incidence and mortality rates for 47,243 men as part of the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study. Adherence to a plant-based diet lowered the risk of death from cancer as well as risk for total and advanced cancer among younger men. These results show the efficacy of plant-based diets for cancer prevention and survival.
Loeb S, Fu BC, Bauer SR, et al. MP32-06 Association of plant-based dietary patterns with prostate cancer risk. J Urol. Published online September 1, 2021. doi: 10.1097/JU.0000000000002036.06