Potassium May Prevent High Blood Pressure Later in Life

A diet rich in potassium during adolescence may help prevent high blood pressure later in life, according to a study published in JAMA Pediatrics. Researchers followed the diets of 2,185 adolescent females as part of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s Growth and Health Study for about 10 years. Diet records assessed sodium and potassium intakes. Despite recommendations to limit sodium, those who consumed more potassium had lower diastolic and systolic blood pressure rates when they reached adulthood when compared to those who consumed the least, suggesting that potassium may play a larger role than sodium in regulating blood pressure levels.
- Buendia JR, Bradlee L, Daniels SR, Singer MR, Moore LR. Longitudinal effects of dietary sodium and potassium on blood pressure in adolescent girls. JAMA Pediatr. Published online April 27, 2015.