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  1. Health and Nutrition News

  2. Sep 18, 2015

Three-Year-Old Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes

A 3-year-old girl was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in what is believed to be one of the youngest cases of the disease ever documented, as presented in a case study at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes in Stockholm, Sweden. Her family had a history of obesity but not diabetes. A diet at home of unrestricted calories and fat led to an HbA1c of 7.2 and a high BMI. With a treatment that combined medication and a nutrition intervention, after six months the toddler gradually stopped her medication, dropped her HbA1c to 5.3, and lost 25 percent of her weight.


  1. Yafi M, Collins K. A toddler with type 2 diabetes. Case-study presented at: European Association for the Study of Diabetes Annual Meeting; September 17, 2015: Stockholm, SE.  

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