Vegan Diet May Help Diabetic Neuropathy

A low-fat vegan diet may reduce pain associated with diabetic neuropathy, according to a new study published ahead of print on May 25, 2015, in Nutrition & Diabetes. In this randomized controlled trial conducted by researchers at the Physicians Committee, 35 individuals with type 2 diabetes and painful diabetic neuropathy were assigned to either a low-fat vegan diet for 20 weeks or to a control group. At the end of the 20 weeks, the individuals in the vegan diet group lost an average of 14 pounds and showed greater improvements in pain measures, as compared with the control group, indicating potential in a plant-based diet intervention for treating diabetic neuropathy.
- Bunner AE, Wells CL, Gonzales J, Agarwal U, Bayat E, Barnard ND. A dietary intervention for chronic diabetic neuropathy pain: a randomized controlled pilot study. Nutrition & Diabetes. 2015;5. Published online May 25, 2015.