Vegetarian and Vegan Diets Reduce Risk of Heart Disease and Cancer

Vegetarian and vegan diets improve health and protect against early death from disease, according to a meta-analysis published online in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. Researchers examined 96 articles comparing vegetarian and vegan diets to omnivorous diets for various risk factors, chronic conditions, and mortality rates. Those following vegetarian and vegan diets had lower weights, total and LDL-cholesterol levels, and glucose levels, compared with those following omnivorous diets. In addition, the vegetarian and vegan groups had lower mortality rates from heart disease and cancer, compared with the omnivorous diet groups.
To learn more about the latest research on vegetarian and vegan diets, join us at this year’s International Conference on Nutrition in Medicine. For more information, click here.
- Dinu M, Abbate R, Gensini GF, Casini A, Sofi F. Vegetarian, vegan diets and multiple health outcomes: a systematic review with meta-analysis of observational studies. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. Published online February 6, 2016.