Artificial Intelligence Allows Scientists to Take a "Virtual" Look Inside Human Cells

Study in a Sentence: Researchers used artificial intelligence to teach computers how to predict the locations of structures inside human cells simply by viewing the external features of the cell. A computer program processed tens of thousands of external and internal images of many types of live human cells to “learn” how to recognize the external features of the cell and develop algorithms to associate the cells’ internal organization based on the external viewpoint.
Healthy for Humans: This technological tool can be used to compare the internal organization of healthy and unhealthy human cells under various disease states, drug treatments, and environmental exposures.
Redefining Research: This virtual 3-D model of the living human cell, called the Allen Integrated Cell, will help scientists see and study human cells without using microscopes. It will also reduce the number of expensive and time-consuming experiments needed in a laboratory. Unlike traditional methods of studying the internal structures of cells, this technique does not require damaging or altering the cell beforehand and provides an overview of many structures inside the cell simultaneously.
- Jon Hamilton. Artificial Intelligence Takes Scientists Inside Living Human Cells. NPR. 2018 May 9.