The Physicians Committee Invites Farmers to Apply for Farm Transition Grants of $15,000

WASHINGTON—If you are a farmer who would like to transition your farm to growing crops or planting orchards, you are invited to apply for a grant of up to $15,000. See application guidelines below.
If you are a concerned citizen, contact your local state or county agriculture department and ask them to tell farmers about our farm transition grant program. Farmers can apply for a farm transition grant of $15,000 by emailing Jeanne at FundsForFarmers [at] For application guidelines see below, or direct your local agriculture officials to and ask them to forward this link to farmers.
Who Qualifies for a Grant? Farm transition grants of $15,000 are available to farmers who are phasing out dairy, poultry, or any other form of animal agriculture in order to switch to growing veggies, beans, berries, fruits, mushrooms, or nuts. Also, you could qualify for a grant if you have inherited a former dairy farm, cattle ranch, or poultry farm and you would like to take the farm in a different direction. For example, you’d like to plant hazelnut trees, grow veggies in a Freight Farm, or engage in another farming activity that allows you to stay on the land.
To apply for a grant of up to $15,000, send an email to Jeanne at FundsForFarmers [at] Please include the following information:
- Please describe your current farming operation including your state and county.
- Please describe what the grant will be used for. For example, you’d like to start planting fruit or nut trees so you can phase out your dairy operation. This challenging transition was accomplished by the Giacomazzi family which converted their dairy farm in California to an almond orchard.
- Please describe your reasons for wanting to transition from one type of farming to another. For example, there was a bird flu outbreak and you lost your flock of egg-laying hens. Or your dairy farm is encountering economic challenges.
The deadline for a farmer to submit an application is June 3, 2025.
The Physicians Committee program is modeled on a program established by lawmakers in Vermont who provided grants to farmers who wished to diversify or transition from one type of farming to another.
In many parts of the country, farm transitions are already underway. In Iowa, the Faaborg brothers are transitioning the family farm from raising hogs to growing mushrooms, as reported recently by the New York Times. The Faabords are partnering with the Transfarmation Project which provides Farmer Resources, the Farmer Toolkit, and other assistance.
Due to economic hardship or other factors, many dairy farmers are choosing to exit the business. Former dairy farmer Denise O’Brien phased out the milking operation when milk prices were low and transitioned to growing crops including strawberries, raspberries, asparagus, and apple trees. In Wisconsin, Greg Zwald embraced the life of a dairy farmer, but things changed and he now runs a pick-your-own-berries enterprise. A Wisconsin dairy farmer, Paul Jereczek, is planting hazelnut trees because he’d like his children to stay on the land and he doesn’t see a future in dairy farming.
The life of a contract chicken grower can be challenging, and some of them are repurposing their chicken barns to grow crops. In North Carolina, former chicken farmers Paula and Dale Boles have converted their 500-foot-long poultry barns to greenhouses to grow organic vegetables. Other former poultry farmers now grow mushrooms in converted shipping containers.
“Blueberries, beans, greens, and other plant-based foods grown by U.S. farmers can help people improve heart health, prevent diabetes, and maintain a healthy weight, among other benefits,” says Roxanne Becker, MBChB, a medical doctor on the staff of Physicians Committee. “It’s important to support these cherished family farms.”
These farm transitions aren’t easy and in addition to grants provided by nonprofit groups, the government should provide financial and technical support. U.S. Sen. Cory Booker favors a program that would require the U.S. Department of Agriculture to provide grants to livestock farmers to pay off related debt and to transition the property to alternative agriculture activities. All senators should support this approach and include it in the upcoming Farm Bill.
If there are fewer dairy cows, what are the alternative sources of calcium? In the U.S., farmers grow many sources of calcium including almonds, sweet potatoes, and kale. Farmers also grow healthful sources of protein including chickpeas, lentils, black beans, nuts, and mushrooms. Pecan trees, for example, can be grown profitably in the U.S., and pecans are a good source of protein, iron, calcium, and many other nutrients.
As flocks of laying hens are lost to bird flu, and egg prices are increasing, egg alternatives are surging in popularity. Farmers who grow crops used to make egg replacers, like chickpeas and mung beans, will likely experience rising demand. In the U.S., most and mung beans are grown by farmers in Oklahoma and these beans provide protein, fiber, and iron.
Improved water quality is another reason to increase acreage of fruit and nut trees. One way to keep phosphorous and other pollutants from flowing into rivers is to install riparian buffers of trees and shrubs to intercept polluted water running off of fields where chicken litter has been applied. Trees that are suitable for riparian buffers, like hazelnuts can also provide income to the farmer, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Media Contact
Jeanne Stuart McVey
Founded in 1985, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is a nonprofit organization that promotes preventive medicine, conducts clinical research, and encourages higher standards for ethics and effectiveness in education and research.