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  1. News Release

  2. Feb 11, 2016

Physicians Committee Begins Recruitment for the Had I Known Processed Meat Campaign

The Physicians Committee – a national nonprofit of 10,000 concerned doctors – is recruiting for the new Had I Known Processed Meat campaign. The 2016 campaign will feature real people who have or have had colorectal cancer to be in a print and video public service announcement showing the risks associated with processed meat consumption. Modeled off of the CDC’s Tips from Former Smokers, the campaign will alert the public to the health risks associated with processed meat consumption.

The Physicians Committee is seeking individuals across all population groups:

  • who eat 1 or more servings of processed meat a day and have or have had colorectal cancer

In order to qualify, participants must be able to travel for filming and be willing to submit to a criminal background check. There is no compensation for participating in this campaign, and all travel expenses will be paid for.

If you know of any people whom you feel would be a good candidate for this campaign, please pass their contact information on here. You can be assured that anyone you refer will be treated with respect and sensitivity.

Founded in 1985, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is a nonprofit organization that promotes preventive medicine, conducts clinical research, and encourages higher standards for ethics and effectiveness in education and research.

More on Colorectal Cancer