Debra Payne
Food for Life Instructor
Debra is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Nutritionist with a diverse educational background, holding master’s degrees in Computer Science, Business Administration, and Counseling. Her passion for education and wellness drives her to teach nutrition classes at the local community college and library in collaboration with her husband where she enjoys sharing her knowledge and helping others lead healthier lives. In addition to her professional pursuits, Debra is dedicated to community service, volunteering for Meals on Wheels for both humans and pets. Her hobbies include genealogy and dog training, which allow her to explore her interests and connect with others on a personal level. With strong teaching abilities, exceptional interpersonal skills, and a deep sense of compassion and empathy, Debra strives to make a positive impact in every aspect of her life. Whether in the classroom, the community, or at home, she is committed to fostering growth, wellness, and understanding.
Serving cities and surrounding areas of Dallas/Fort Worth and surrounding areas, North Central Texas, Southern Oklahoma