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Early-Career Researchers Advancing 21st Century Science

Travel Awards

The Physicians Committee’s ERA21 travel awards are designed to support the next generation of life sciences researchers using human-based nonanimal methods. The monetary value of each award will be determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the conference.

Current Travel Award Opportunities

  • Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA, March 16-20, 2025 – Closed
  • Joint Research Centre Summer School on Non-animal Approaches in Science, Ispra VA, Italy, May 19-23, 2025 – Deadline March 3, 2025
  • Microphysiological Systems World Summit, Brussels, Belgium, June 9-13, 2025 – Deadline March 15, 2025
  • World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 31-September 4, 2025 – Deadline June 15, 2025.

Upcoming Travel Award Opportunities

Additional travel awards are available on a case-by-case basis for early career researchers who are dedicated to using nonanimal methods and who can demonstrate financial need. Please send a letter of intent briefly describing your presentation, the conference, a statement of need, and how your research advances nonanimal science (250 words maximum) to Mikalah Singer, msinger [at]


These awards are available to undergraduate and graduate students and early-career scientists within eight years of receiving their PhD. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis, for example, if applicants are changing career directions. If you are an exception, please include your reasoning as part of your personal statement. Recipients must be dedicated to promoting the replacement of animals in science and must have been accepted to present animal-free research at the conference the travel award will assist with.

Applicants may apply for more than one award at a time but will need to submit an application for each award. A recipient is eligible to receive only one ERA21 travel award within a one-year period. Priority will be given to applicants who apply prior to two months from the date of the event.

Application Requirements

  • Conference abstract
  • Resume or CV
  • Personal statement (500-word maximum) addressing your research, your reason for attending the conference, your need for the award (including other sources of funding you have obtained), and your dedication to animal-free research.
  • Application form

Important Information

  • Recipients agree to provide material for promotion, such as photos and answers to questions about their research, the award, and how it helps them in their career.
  • Recipients may have the option to contribute a short blog, article, or social media video to be featured on the Physicians Committee website about their research, experience at the conference, and how opportunities like travel awards help awardees to pursue a career using nonanimal methods.
  • Recipients recognize that ERA21 travel awards are intended to be used toward conference registration fees and actual travel costs for accommodations and transport. Receipts will be required to process reimbursements.

After you have submitted an application, you should receive an email confirmation. If you do not receive this confirmation, contact Mikalah Singer, msinger [at]