Avoiding Red Meat Prevents Diverticulitis

Avoiding red meat and other risk factors may prevent up to half of diverticulitis cases, according to a study published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology. Researchers assessed outcomes from red meat intake, low fiber intake, obesity, minimal physical activity, and smoking in 51,529 men from the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study. Results showed a 73 percent decreased risk for diverticulitis among men who ate more fiber, exercised, and ate less than one serving of red meat per day, compared with men who did not avoid any risk factors observed. The authors recommend clinicians incorporate lifestyle interventions into preventive strategies for disease prevention.
- Liu PH, Cao Y, Keeley BR, et al. Adherence to a healthy lifestyle is associated with a lower risk of diverticulitis among men. Am J Gastroenterol. Published online November 7, 2017.