Beans Help You Feel as Full as Beef

Beans will make you feel as full as eating beef, according to a study published in the Journal of Food Science. Researchers served 28 participants equally portioned meals that were either bean- or beef-based and measured satiety ratings at different points after eating. Results showed no difference in satiety or in the amount of food consumed at the subsequent meal. The bean eaters reported their food to be slightly more appealing to see, taste, and smell. Because beans are high in fiber, they not only help you feel full with fewer calories but also improve your glucose metabolism, cholesterol levels, and digestion.
- Bonnema AL, Altschwager D, Thomas W, Slavin JL. The effects of a beef-based meal compared to a calorie matched bean-based meal on appetite and food intake. J Food Sci. 2015;80:2088-2093.