Eating Animal Fat is Linked to Increased Stroke Risk

Fat in our diets has long been linked to stroke risk, but new research presented on Monday at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions suggests that it’s the type of fat, not the amount, that may be the most important factor. The study found that eating more animal fat was linked to a higher risk of stroke, while getting more fat from vegetable sources was linked to a lower risk. The results come from 27 years of data from more than 117,000 health care professionals. The data was pulled from the Nurses’ Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study.
Wang F, Baden MY, Rexrode KM, Hu FB. RF160 - Dietary Fat Intake and the Risk of Stroke: Results from Two Prospective Cohort Studies. Abstract presented at: American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2021; November 13-15, 2021; virtual meeting.