Grains Aid Weight Management

Grains aid in weight maintenance, according to an abstract presented at this year’s American Society for Nutrition Scientific Sessions and Annual Meeting at Experimental Biology. Researchers compared diets that both included and excluded grains in adults and children from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Despite a higher reported caloric intake, those who consumed the most pasta, cereals, rice, and other grains weighed 7.2 pounds less and had a smaller waistline than those who did not consume grains. Rolls, tortillas, and other bread products contributed to daily intakes of fiber, folate, iron, zinc, and other nutrients, while salty snacks and crackers were associated with higher fruit intake and an overall better diet.
- Papanikolaou Y, Fulgoni VL. Abstract presented at: American Society for Nutrition Scientific Sessions and Annual Meeting at Experimental Biology 2016; April 2-6, 2016: San Diego, CA.