Milk Consumption Increases Mortality

High dairy consumption increases overall mortality, according to a study published online in the American Journal of Epidemiology. Researchers followed milk, fruit, and vegetable consumption for more than 140,000 participants. Those who consumed the most milk and the fewest servings of fruits or vegetables had higher mortality rates. The increase in risk was almost three-fold among the women participants. The authors suspect increased oxidative stress from components in the milk as the reason behind the elevated mortality risk, while antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables reduce oxidation and mitigate the risk.
- Michaëlsson K, Wolk A, Melhus H, Byberg L. Milk, fruit and vegetable, and total antioxidant intakes in relation to mortality rates: cohort studies in women and men. Am J Epidemiol. Published online February 10, 2017.