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  2. May 11, 2018

Vegan on a Budget Part 2: More Ways to Save

You don’t have to go broke eating a vegan diet!

We’ve already proven that two people can eat a plant-based diet for a full week for just $40. Now, “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll and the Physicians Committee’s Lee Crosby, R.D., share even more ways to save that can be fun and adventurous. You’ll learn about a produce auction — it’s like Sotheby's for fruits and vegetables!

Plus, there is a big benefit to unit pricing. Think about a watermelon. If the store is charging $5 per watermelon, one might be four pounds, while another might be six pounds. Which are you going to buy? Go for the larger melon and get your money’s worth!

You’ll also hear more tips and tricks to help you navigate a farmers market to maximize your savings.

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