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Mission Critical With Neal Barnard, MD

Fridays at 2 p.m. ET

Watch our latest episode of the Physicians Committee's Mission Critical update from Friday, March 28. Physicians Committee President Dr. Neal Barnard gave us the very latest on the OHSU primate center while host Noah Gittell welcomed PCRM Science Policy Specialist Mikalah Singer, JD, LLM, who shared highlights from the recent Society of Toxicology annual meeting, and The Exam Room Podcast host Chuck Carroll, who updated us on recent guests and exciting things on the horizon. It was a jam-packed episode with important information to save thousands of monkey's lives.

 If you’re not yet registered, you can do that here Webinar Registration - Zoom.

If you’re already registered for Mission Critical, your unique Zoom link will be sent separately in a reminder email from Zoom before Friday’s event. Everyone who registers will receive recordings after each briefing.