NAM Use for Regulatory Application
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NURA Training Courses
NURA’s On-Demand Courses are extended collections of presentations on specific topics. The course platform will track your progress as you navigate materials at your own pace; find, skip, and replay content easily; and earn certificates upon course completion which may satisfy continuing education requirements. All the courses on the platform also feature English and Spanish subtitle options.
Coming Soon to the Course Catalog
These courses are not available in the platform yet, but you can access the materials by clicking the images below.
NAM Spotlight Webinars
Each webinar in the NAM Spotlight series highlights one method currently used or seeking approval in regulatory application. Find a full list of NAM Spotlight webinars.
FDA Case Study Webinars
In this series, NURA features leaders in human-relevant, nonanimal methods to demonstrate medical product safety and efficacy. This collection is an opportunity to highlight NAM use in FDA submissions with the goal of inspiring the scientific community to use and submit more NAMs to regulatory agencies. Find a full list of webinars on human-based methods in FDA submissions.
DyNAMic Discussions
Animal tests are increasingly outmoded by New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) that offer the potential to improve human health and environmental protection. Despite this, transitioning away from animal testing and into NAMs-based approaches to Chemical Safety Assessment still faces significant resistance and is predicted to take a very long time by many commentators. The DyNAMic Discussion series invites experts to share candid perspectives on how they’ve overcome barriers to apply NAMs in their fields and discuss how we can learn from these examples to collectively to accelerate this transition.
Other NURA Webinars
Validation, Qualification, and Regulatory Acceptance of New Approach Methodologies: An ICCVAM Report
May 23, 2024
Virtual webinar