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Component Examples

This is the Introduction area of a basic page. It is presented as callout text and can be styled.

Rich Text Paragraph

The rich text paragraph type allows for extensive content entry. It will likely be used for the bulk of text content on a page. It can be styled using the rich text editor.

Do/Don't Grid with CTA

Individual Content Feature

Exam Room Podcast

Gut Bacteria 101

It’s not the most glamorous of subjects, and yet gut bacteria is one of the most talked about health topics online.

Person Group

Hana Kahleova, MD, PhD

Director of Clinical Research

Susan Levin, MS, RD, CSSD

Director of Nutrition Education

Priority Card Strata

Support Nutrition Research

Our research on plant-based diets can help save lives.

Promote Human-Relevant Research

Help replace animal use in education, research, and training.

Start a Plant-Based Diet Today

Reap the health benefits of fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes.

Share to Bluesky


References is the same as Rich Text, but uses a smaller font size. This will likely be used exclusively at the bottom of research articles to list references made in the body of the article.

Video and Priority Tiles

This element combines a video with the Priority Card Strata element (also available by itself)

Support Nutrition Research

Our research on plant-based diets can help save lives.

Start a Plant-Based Diet Today

Reap the health benefits of fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes.

Promote Human-Relevant Research

Help replace animal use in education, research, and training.

Full Width Call to Action

Support our work. Become a member.

Side-by-Side Call to Action