Early-Career Researchers Advancing 21st Century Science
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Animal-Free Workshop Series for Early Career Researchers
The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT), and the Animal Protection Commissioner of Berlin are launching a new workshop series focused on animal-free new approach methods (NAMs) in research and testing.
Upcoming Workshop
Past Workshops
Workshop No. 1: Understanding Translatability and Crafting Competitive Grant Applications
Workshop No. 1 featured Dr. Jarrod Bailey, Director of Medical Research at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, discussing how human-focused research provides greater clinical benefits, due to greater biological similarity and specificity of human-based methods and Dr. Angela Hvitved, Program Director at the Alternatives Research & Development Foundation, providing an overview of funding opportunities for nonanimal research methods and practical tips for crafting a strong proposal that is tailored to the target funding opportunity.