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Vegan Kickstart

Welcome to the Vegan Kickstart! On this page you can access 21 days of healthful meals. This meal plan is a guideline and you can substitute recipes as you see fit. Some recipes may also have leftovers, depending on the number of people you are cooking for. We hope this plan provides encouragement and inspiration to stay on track with a healthy diet!

Day 1

Welcome to the 21-Day Vegan Kickstart! For the next three weeks, we've got you covered with everything you need to get started exploring the benefits of a plant-based diet: recipes, meal plans, daily videos, tips, and more!

Welcome to the 21-Day Vegan Kickstart!

Day 2

Welcome to Day 2! Today, we'll take a closer look at which foods are in and which foods are out in the 21-Day Vegan Kickstart.

What's In, What's Out?

Day 3

Wondering what to look for at the store? Today, we learn tips for grocery shopping with Stephanie McBurnett, RDN. Plus, smoothies, stir-fries, and chili are on the menu for Day 3!

Let's Head to the Store

Day 4

Wondering how to replace certain foods or ingredients on a vegan diet? We have you covered with today's tips on egg, milk, cheese, and meat replacements!

Substitution and Transition Foods

Day 5

Eating healthy doesn't mean you have to spend all day in the kitchen! Today, learn about time-saving cooking techniques.

Time-Saving Cooking Techniques

Day 6

Today, we'll learn about how a plant-based diet provides all the protein we need!


Day 7

Congratulations on completing Week 1! Today, we'll learn about foods that can help prevent cancer.

Cancer Prevention

Share Your Plant-Based Journey

Attend plant-based potlucks, cooking demonstrations, restaurant visits, presentations by local health experts and more!